want to dance when we aren't?
here's a list for organic embodied movement practices in
l.a., california + mentors and other disciplines.
many are no longer up do date, so check !!
and we have a facebook group with la postings;
for our fumbling towards ecstasy classes
and another for all area movement events
movement resources los angeles
click the weblink to go to another site:
los angeles area:
kate shela kateshela.com
susan harper: continuummontage.com
continuum studio: continuummovement.com
ecstatic dance los angeles : ecstaticdancela.com
marianne karou: dancealive.com
alisha hayes: souldancelove.com
micheline berry: zendancing.com
work of gabrielle roth: 5rhythms.com
5rhythms with masayo benoist: masayodance.com
friday night funk dance liquidsoulecstaticdance.com
la dance collective ladancecollective.com
contact improv la contact improv
jennele smith: 5Rhythms jenellemsmith.com
santa barbara:
santa barbara dance tribe : sbdancetribe.com
northern california:
open floor school: openfloor.org
arjuna marti: soulmotion.com
ellen watson: movingventures.com
northern california dance camp: ncdcdances.org
valerie chafograck: dancesanctuary.com
ecstatic dance in oakland: ecstaticdance.com
san diego area:
christina graham smith: Christina5Rhythms.com
ecstatic dance: ecstaticdancesd.org
washington state:
michael & anneli molin-skelton: spiritweaves.com
dance camp northwest: dancecampnorthwest.org
oly waves in olympia washington: olywaves.com
dance new england: dne.org
websites for ecstatic dance: gypsienation.com
a portal for empowering music: musicforpeople.org
email us if you have a class you want listed!
thank you
dance and find your home everywhere